Surf Van

Nothing To Fear

Many of us who are on a quest to lose weight have a common enemy. No, I’m not taking about food. Food is not an enemy. We are foods enemy. We eat to much of it. I’m talking about the scale!

1510871_10205741843807596_3470140103577983125_nI wake up every morning and dread getting on it. I know that some of you don’t advocate getting on the scale every day, but I need the the motivation. I call it motivation but I am not sure that is the proper word. If I did not lose weight, then I am upset and want to quit. I probably won’t quit, but I want to. If I actual lose weight, then I am happy.

I hate the scale. I’m neurotic. I weight myself at night to see if I have stayed close to my weight during the day. I know I will lose at least a pound or two overnight, so I gauge it. I’m definitely a sicko, but it works for me.


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