Drain Bamage

There is something seriously wrong with me, and it is OK for you to laugh. I am currently laid up in bed after a minor, but routine out-patient procedure. To keep my blood sugar up, I need to eat more calories than I have been restricting myself to. I got home last night and ate a small plate of food, but should of had more. I almost passed out during the night when I got up.

So, my spouse was a tad upset with me and told me that if I even mentioned trying to stay on my low calorie regiment, I’d be whacked. Of course, it was said in jest, but honestly, I don’t want to gain weight so bad that even when I physically need more calories to survive I try not to or feel guilty about eating. Is that sick, or what?

I am a nut job. I know it is not a big deal in the grand scheme and my health depends on it, but I am hesitant. Dummy. No worries, I will do as the doctor tells me to and eat. It’s not like I am eating cake and ice cream. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get to the gym for a week or so because of the procedure, so I guess that aids my concern.

Anyway, I seem to be stuck with drain bamage. That reminds me of a great Bill Cosby act. Enjoy!

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